Product Description
Product: ResMed Pixi
Manufacturer: ResMed
Type: Pediatric Nasal Mask
Manufacturer Description: Pixi™ is a pediatric CPAP mask for children ages two to seven with sleep apnea. It’s specially designed to provide comfortable and safe therapy for kids.
- Pediatric Nasal Mask
- Nose coverage
- Silicone cushion
The ResMed Pixi Nasal Mask with Headgear is made with both the child and their caregiver in mind. Every feature is carefully considered to address and improve therapy comfort, acceptance, and overall experience for everyone involved. Confident that their child is being treated effectively, caregivers can be free to focus on emotionally supporting their child on their journey.
The Pixi’s open style headgear is designed especially for children as well. Soft Breathe-O-Prene straps are lightly coloured and unobtrusive, sitting back on the face away from the child’s eyes and ears to reduce irritation and obstruction. Because children may not be able to adjust the fit on their own, the Pixi’s 3 headgear straps are designed to be adjusted from an adult’s point of view while catering to children of a wide range of ages. Not only can the child see clearly while wearing the mask, but caregivers are also reassured and comforted by being able to see their child’s eyes and more of their face.
Key Features
- SOFT, COMFORTABLE CUSHION Cushions for the Pixi Pediatric Nasal CPAP Mask are designed to minimize pressure on children’s soft faces without compromising seal.
- VERSATILE TUBING Two tubing positions allow air to be moved to either side of the cushion depending on the child’s sleeping position. The tubing is also a Spring-Flex Lightweight Tube that stretches and bends easily, so it won’t get caught or dragged as the child moves around during sleep.
- COMFORTABLE BREATHE-O-PRENE HEADGEAR The headgear materials are lightly coloured for a more reassuring, unobtrusive appearance on the child’s face.
- QUICK RELEASE AND EMERGENCY LATCH The quick-release latch makes it easy to take the mask off while retaining desired headgear settings. The emergency latch releases the latch even faster than the quick release in an emergency, by pulling firmly on the lower headgear strap.
Product Images

Purchase ResMed Pixi Pediatric Nasal Mask Complete System Standard
- Prescription Required
- Read the Terms & Conditions
- Pay via Paypal or Submit to Insurance
- PRODUCT: ResMed Pixi Pediatric Complete Mask System
- ITEM #: 61030
- PRICE: $164.00 (USD)
- TAXES: Non-taxable item
- SHIPPING: Cost of shipping is included. We ship by UPS Ground. It can take 2-4 weeks to ship, depending on current inventory.
Submit to Insurance
- This Product is Available with PRESCRIPTION ONLY
To Submit to your Insurance Company
- Read the Terms & Conditions
- Email or FAX your physician’s prescription form to:
- Email: [email protected] or
- FAX to: (208) 323-1615.
- Fill out our Submit to Insurance form (click button below).
OR To Purchase Directly
- This Product is Available with PRESCRIPTION ONLY
To Pay by Paypal:
- Read the Terms & Conditions
- Email or FAX your physician’s prescription form to:
- Email: [email protected] or
- FAX to: (208) 323-1615.
- Checkout by clicking the “Add to Cart” button below.
3. Pay via Paypal

Pixi Pediatric Nasal Mask Cushion (one size)
ITEM #: 61033
PRICE: $42.00