Product Description
Product: DreamWisp
Manufacturer: Philips
Type: minimal contact nasal mask
Manufacturer Description: DreamWisp has been designed to help patients sleep comfortably with every turn. Marrying the freedom of DreamWear’s revolutionary, top of-the-head tube design with Wisp’s proven over-the-nose auto seal cushion creates a mask that lets patients sleep how they want without having frontal tubing in the way.
Product Features
- Controlled in-frame airflow for enhanced comfort
- Minimal contact for unobstructed view
- Reduced contact nasal cushions
Key Features
- Top-of-head tube: Patients can sleep in any position they desire—on their stomach, side, or back – without having the hose in front of their face.
- Minimal headgear design: DreamWisp delivers airflow within the frame, provides an open line of sight and a uses smaller footprint than traditional nasal masks.
- Easy-to-use magnetic clips: Magnetic clips enable quick assembly and release of the headgear which can be especially useful for patients who have dexterity issues.
- Minimal contact nasal cushion: Proven Wisp cushion technology provides minimal contact with the face while creating an optimal seal for patients as they sleep.
Product Images

Purchase Philips DreamWisp Complete Mask
- Prescription Required
- Read the Terms & Conditions
- Pay via Paypal or Submit to Insurance
- PRODUCT: Philips DreamWisp Complete Mask with Headgear FitPack
- ITEM #: 11379116
- PRICE: $164.00 (USD)
- TAXES: Non-taxable item
- SHIPPING: Cost of shipping is included. We ship by UPS Ground. It can take 2-4 weeks to ship, depending on current inventory.
Submit to Insurance
- This Product is Available with PRESCRIPTION ONLY
To Submit to your Insurance Company
- Read the Terms & Conditions
- Email or FAX your physician’s prescription form to:
- Email: [email protected] or
- FAX to: (208) 323-1615.
- Fill out our Submit to Insurance form (click button below).
OR To Purchase Directly
- This Product is Available with PRESCRIPTION ONLY
To Pay by Paypal:
- Read the Terms & Conditions
- Email or FAX your physician’s prescription form to:
- Email: [email protected] or
- FAX to: (208) 323-1615.
- Checkout by clicking the “Add to Cart” button below.
3. Pay via Paypal
Non-Prescription Supplies for Philips DreamWisp Nasal Mask
- Read the Terms & Conditions
- Pay via Paypal

Philips DreamWisp Nasal Mask without Headgear FitPack
ITEM #: 1137918
PRICE: $122.00

Philips DreamWisp Headgear
ITEM #: 1137966 | 1137964 | 1137965
SIZES: Medium, Large, Small (Reduced Size)
PRICE: $42.00

Philips DreamWisp Cushion
ITEM #: 1137956 | 1137957 | 1137958 | 1137959 | 1137960
SIZES: Petite, Small, Medium, Large, Extra Large
PRICE: $42.00